Up Coming Summer 2021 Movie Review 👍👍

3 min read

One Line Review: Upcoming Summer is a breath of fresh air in the world of romantic teen dramas, and it will be welcomed by fans.

(2021) on IMDb

Youtube Trailer Escape the Undertaker

Starring: Zhang Zefing, Leo Wu

Director: Leo Wu

Release Date: 9 Oct 2021



Summer is a teen drama that will premiere on Netflix this summer and will provide a refreshing perspective on love, both young and old. The film, directed by Leste Chen and written by Leste Chen, is primarily concerned with the story of two high school teenagers, Chen Chen and Zheng Yu Xing, who, as a result of a series of unfortunate events, come into contact and must face their harsh realities together. This Chinese drama is set against a backdrop of incidents that are so relatable to our own lives that we are forced to reevaluate our own perspectives on love and relationships.

Chen Chen is played by Zhang Zifeng, and Zheng Yu Xing is played by ‘China’s Little Brother’ Leo Wu Lei, who also appears in the film as a cast member. Chen Chen’s mother is played by Hao Lei, who also appears in the film. The film Upcoming Summer has a running time of 1 hour 50 minutes, and you’ll enjoy it from beginning to end.

Plot Analysis

Chen Chen is a model student who, just before her final exams, is confronted with some shocking truths about her parents, which have a negative impact on her performance on the exams and force her to repeat the senior year. Zheng Yu Xing does not even bother to sit for the final exams because he is preoccupied with his broken heart, which forces him to repeat the senior year as well. Chen Chen, who lives far away from Zheng Yu Xing, is forced to come together when she tells a lie at her house about having a breakup with Zheng Yu Xing, which causes her to perform poorly in the exams.

Falling in Love with a Person

This web of deception causes the school, teachers, and students’ parents to take notice, which only serves to bring the duo closer together. Chen Chen, with the assistance of Zheng Yu Xing, attempts to rile up her mother, who has become enraged as a result of information Chen Chen’s mother has been withholding from her. Zheng Yu Xing, on the other hand, uses Chen Chen to exact revenge on his ex-girlfriend Ming, who he considers his sister. As Chen Chen tries to assist Zheng, she gradually but steadily begins to feel a strong attraction towards him.

Throughout the course of the film, we witness the transition of these young, naive children from their world of colors to the real world, where the blues predominate over the yellow sunshine of everyday life. It’s strange to hear them talk about love and recognize the agony that comes with losing someone you care about. For a youth drama, Upcoming Summer does an excellent job of capturing the changing perspectives of adolescence and the period when teenagers cross the threshold into adulthood.

One of the most important perspectives in the film is provided by Chen Chen’s mother, who is concerned about her daughter’s well-being despite the fact that she is forced to put on a false smile due to her circumstances. In addition to instilling in Chen a realistic understanding of how love eventually fades away, she also informs her that not all love stories are meant to be forever.

The Taste of Music Festival will take place this summer.

Music is something that binds the entire film together and provides the characters with their a-ha moments of realization. It is around the time of Chen Chen’s 18th birthday that she realizes how much she likes Zheng, thanks to the music that is playing in the background. The same can be said for Zheng, who finds closure at a music festival, which provides him with the approval he needs to move forward in life.

The Coldplay and Chainsmokers song ‘Something Just Like This,’ which was co-written and co-produced by the duo, is almost like the film’s theme song. It gives the characters reason to continue their search for something akin to “fairytale bliss,” whether it exists in the present moment or requires them to part ways in order to meet at the end of the road known as life.

Final Verdict for the Upcoming Summer

Upcoming Summer Movie Review
Upcoming Summer Movie Review

Upcoming Summer, a film that has the potential to become an ode to what love is and how it evolves over time, has a strong emotional resonance with young people. Infused with electronic music, featuring some stunning acting performances, and culminating in a twist that is difficult to predict, Upcoming Summer is everything that more romantic teen dramas should strive to be.