Top 10 Movies/Tv Series/Streaming Series

Top 10

Top 10 Julia Roberts Movies

I can even yell it in the crowded streets that no one other than Julia Roberts could do the Pretty Woman that perfectly. That's...
Akanksha Chodhary
3 min read

Top 10 Angelina Jolie Movies

She made us laugh in “Playing by the heart”, shocked in “Gia”, fall in love “Gone in 60 seconds”. Get ready to witness a...
Akanksha Chodhary
5 min read

Top 10 Will Smith Movies

Will Smith's overwhelming talent made his fame beyond the limits of his imagination and enabled him to become one of the most influential Hollywood...
Aaditya Sharma
4 min read

Top Netflix Cartoon Series for Indian Kids

Netflix cartoon series take the kids to different worlds, times, and dimensions, where they laugh, do adventure, and have loads of fun!
Rinkle Mehta
3 min read

Netflix Movies for Seniors India

With a lot of options for movies for youth and kids on Netflix, it is always challenging to find out the movies for older...
Rinkle Mehta
3 min read

Youtube Channels for Hindi Movies

Youtube Channels for Hindi Movies covering latest films, timeless classics and cerebral parallel cinema
Rinkle Mehta
1 min read

Top 10 Christian Bale Movies to Watch During Lockdown

Calling Christian Bale a chameleon is not superlative. Chameleons can only change colors, this man can change his form! Everybody uses wigs and makeup...
Aaditya Sharma
4 min read

Top 10 Clint Eastwood Movies

Top 10 Clint Eastwood Movies: Clint Eastwood’s journey has been nothing less than epic. The actor is a gem and will always be remembered as...
Aaditya Sharma
4 min read

10 Best Scarlett Johansson Movies

Hold on to your devices as we'll be counting our Top 10 picks of Best Scarlett Johansson Movies.
Akanksha Chodhary
7 min read