Ragnarok Tv-Series Review👍👍

1 min read

One Line Review: Ragnarok is minimalist perfection with a refined concept of Norse mythology.

(2020) on IMDb

Youtube Trailer Ragnarok

Starring: David Stakson, Theresa Frostad

Director: Adam Price

Release Date: 20 January 2021



Eschatology is the study that is dedicated to understanding the last events of humanity that preceded their end in different religions. Many of the descriptions of this type of event originate from folklore or prophecies and have been immortalized in poems, books, and other arts for many centuries. The great final battle of the Norse gods against their enemies to avoid evil, but which could lead to the end of the world, is the theme of Ragnarok, Norwegian series available on Netflix, which brings familiar heroes in a new way.

Plot Analysis

In a small town in Norway, a family dominates all economic, political, and cultural power. It soon becomes clear that something very strange happens not only in the place but mainly, with the family members who live with humans pretending to be normal people but are actually giants.

But a boy arrives in town who can change everything, with an innocent heart and various disabilities, receives a gift from a stranger and begins to have changes in his body. When he starts to socialize, he meets an amazing girl who teaches him some interesting things and warns him about the risks the city takes with the influence of the family of giants in the small town.

Minimalistic Approach

With a different rhythm from what we are used to and with inspirations and more poetic appropriations of the mythology that is original to him, Ragnarok is more than a simple Scandinavian series, it is a lesson on how to interpret the gods and their battles, their weaknesses and their sad struggles for to fit in or save humanity from itself.

In addition to being able to understand more about Thor, Loki, and other characters from the great Edda in prose, throughout the chapters we can have more contact with the poetic end-of-the-world vision brought to modern times, and what true injustice and true risk represent. for humanity today


Indulge in this curious Nordic adventure that involves war between giants and gods, with new old heroes and villains that we are used to, but this time, they appear in a more refined and sincere way. For lovers of adventure and fantasy, and for those who are in need of a new lease of life, Ragnarok delivers entertainment, questions, and surprises.